Saturday, May 9, 2009

Mistakes We Knew We Were Making

My life has been relatively pleasant and low-key lately. Yes, I've been more of an asshole when I need to, and I think that has helped a lot. 
Meanwhile, my classes are really good, and I have a lot of free time. I have been trying to find places to volunteer, but it doesn't seem like I'm looking in the right places. Anyway, I've just taken that opportunity to keep up with my homework and make sure that I understand it. I've only missed one point between my two classes so far. That's definitely going to change, but I feel good getting the semester off to a good start. It seems to take a lot of pressure off for the end of the semester since I'm not scrambling to catch up. 
And I ran my first trail race today. Holy crap, that was a workout. It is one thing to run on a paved road, but when you're running in the mountains, it gets pretty intense. I wanted to puke for most of the race 'cuz dinner didn't sit too well for me from the night before, and I also did 9 miles yesterday and got a bad night's sleep... so none of that stuff helped me. But what can you do? I'm just happy I did it. And now, I think I can handle future races a little better. 
I also hung out with the guy a little today. It was actually really nice. In fact, the whole day was really nice. After hanging out with him, I came home, finished my homework for one of my classes, went grocery shopping, ate a TON, watched the playoffs. It isn't even 10:00, and I'm feeling ready for bed. Haha, no matter what went on today, starting the day off with an 11 1/2 mile race makes everything else seem way more productive. 
I'm actually pretty grateful for this spring semester. It has made my life way more simple. It seemed like I had to maintain such a delicate balance last semester that every time one thing went wrong, a bunch of other stuff went wrong with it. Now, I have two classes, three weekdays with no class, the weekend, no job... I've been able to slow down and stop spending so much energy worrying about a million things. 
Not to complain, but I have a really horrible roommate this semester. But he has his own room, and I have mine, so I can shut him out when I need. Besides that, life is good. It's really good.

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