Sunday, April 11, 2010

How Far We've Come

I get kinda sad when I see a neurotic post at the top of my blog. So let's give this another shot.

The dating thing is bound to work out... I mean, there has got to be someone that eventually crosses my path, so I will just try to be patient. And, anyways, if the other guys here are half as crazy as I am, I probably wouldn't be able to handle them... and they for sure wouldn't be able to handle me.

And it's hard to feel bad about anything right now because I have one day left of class. Most of the important stuff was finished last week, so I've felt a huge burden be lifted from my shoulders. I had an amazing weekend. For the next week or two, I'm just trying to hang out with my friends before I take off for a long time.

Today was one of those days where it was impossible to deny the fact that life is going to be excellent.


  1. I tend to think that part of the reason we (I have that neurotic way as well) feel this way is because our biological clocks here are set a few hours ahead. This daylight savings time thing keeps us from just enjoying getting to know people sometimes, I think.

  2. The more I think about what you said, the more I agree with it... I mean, I agreed with it at first, but I agree more strongly... whatever. You know what I mean. I should probably hold off on the crazy and just enjoy getting to know people, like you said. I'm just glad I'm at least sane enough to recognize my neurosis.
